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Living out our Faith by Serving Jesus Christ:  by loving God and by loving our brothers and sisters; and serving our community in friendship and fraternity & using our time, talents, and gifts to make a difference

A Family of Volunteers

from 2024

Covering all the aspects of Parish Life

Liturgy - Divine Worship: Day2Day

Parish Priest:

  • Father Valentine Erhahon 


Liturgical Master of Ceremony:

  • Gaius Ezembaukwu
  • Steven Raman


Parish Eucharistic Ministers:

  • Lime Tree Care Home: Paul Hutchinson
  • Homebound to Spouse only: Michael O ‘Keeffe



  • Paul Hutchinson
  • Gaius Ezembaukwu
  • Martindecruz Victorselvaraj
  • Mary Abreu
  • Marie Beche 


Mass Ushers:

1.) 5.30pm: Nicola Jones

2.) 9.30pm: Michael O ‘Keeffe

3.) 11am:  Dura Karim


Parish Seamstress: 

1.) Colette Bellemain 


Parish Sacred Vessel, Sacred Linens Cleaner, and Vestments Carer: 

1.) TBC


Parish Wednesday Church Cleaners:

1.) Barbara Elliot

2.) Val Glew

3.) Maureen Ryan

4.) Marie Beche

5.) Paul Hutchinson

6.) Irene Somera


Parish Floral Arrangement:

1.)Teresa Dempsey



Altar Servers:

  • Matthew Moyano
  • Mike Moyano
  • Jaydon Smith
  • Sarah Okaro 
  • Christopher Okaro 
  • Stephen Akika



1.) Anita Lobo – Organ and Piano

2.) Augustus Pereira – Saxophone


Lead Cantors: 

1.) David Wingfield – 9.30am

2.) Augustus Pereira – 11am



1.) Anita Lobo

2.) Augustus Pereira

3.) Lette Alemayehu

4)  Marie Beche

5.) Colette Bellemain

6.) David Wingfield 

7.) Katie Hickman

8.) Josephine Orme


Parish Lectors:


Weekdays, (11am, and On-Call)

  • Paul Hutchinson
  • Maureen  Ryan
  • Marie Beche


Saturday: 5.30pm

Teresa Dempsey

Patrick McLoughlin

Kelly Breslin


Sunday: 9.30am

David Wingfield

Karl Meekings

Alexander Hill 

Rachel O’Neill

Eleanor O’Neill 

Clara O’Neill


Sunday: 11am

Doussou Diabate

Jullie Danso

Larraitz Garaialde

Malusa Kilonda

Simona Yemane-Renhudt

Chris Watts

Roxane Rouquette

Paul Bass

Asaba Yiggon

Members of the Parish Extended Finance Committee

Offering Collectors:

1.) 5.30pm: Nicola Jones, Mary Abreu

2.) 9.30pm: Pat Bryson and Michael O ‘Keeffe

3.) 11am: Cecilia McPherson, Dura Karim, Doussou Diabate

Collection Counters:

1.) Group one: Nicola Jones, Val Glew, Paul Hutchinson, Pat Bryson 

2.) Group two: Doussou Diabate, Cecilia Diawuoh, Dura Karim


1.) Appointed Persons


Volunteer Parish Hall Caretaker: 

1.) Gaius Ezembaukwu


Volunteer IT Manager and Parish Operations 

1.) Pooya Mohammadi 



Parish Senior’s Council: 

Made up of Recipients of the Parish Benemerenti and Fideliter Servienti Awards: 

1.) Cecilia McPherson

2.) Alan Quinn

3.) Michael O ‘Keeffe

4.) Eileen O ‘Keeffe

5.) Nicola Jones

6.) Paul Hutchinson

7.) Maureen Ryan

8.) Mary Veerapen

9.) Duramani Karim

10.)Teresa Dempsey

Internal and External Mission - Leads

Parish Safeguarding Rep:

Sharon Skinner


Parish Catechesis Lead:

Kasia Godet 


Parish Adult Formation Lead: 

Gaius Ezembaukwu


Parish Evangelisation Lead: 



Events Lead:

1.) Sharon Skinner 

2.) TBC

3.) TBC


Parish Marriage and Family Life Leads:

1.) Mary & Karl Meekings



Parish Rep to our Catholic Schools: 

1.) Kelly Breslin


Commission for Catholic Education: 

1.) Mary Meekings – School Governor 


Missio Parish Lead: 

1.)Thomasia Azavedo


Parish Historian:

1.) Katie Hickman


Parish Photographer: 

1.) Sharon Skinner 

2.) TBC


Parish Voice Recorder:

1.) River Burton 

2.) Steven Raman


Southwark Metropolitan Tribunal – Auditors (From the Parish): 

1.) David Wingfield

2.) Katie Hickman

Faith Formation

Children’s Liturgy Catechists: 

1.) Ana Maria Mendes Pereira

2.) Mary Meekings 

3.) Claudia Benschop

4.) Isobel Burlington 



First Holy Communion Catechists:

1.) Teresa Dempsey

2.) TBC


Confirmation Catechists:

1.) Kasia Godat

2.) TBC



RCIA Catechists: 

1.) Fr Valentine

2.) TBC


Marriages Catechists:

1.) Fr Valentine

2.) TBC


Catechist’s Catechist:

1.) Eugene Onobhayedo


Parish Student in Training: (Archbishop Certificate Course for Catechists)

1.) Eugene Onobhayedo


Parish Ongoing Students in Training: (Archbishop Certificate Course for Catechists)

1.) Ana Maria Mendes Pereira

2.) Paul Moreira

3.) Annalisa Fernandes  

Parish Care Groups

Guardian Angels – group of volunteers who support our Elderly, the Housebound or those who are Lonely

Parish Finance Committee

The Parish Priest




Martindecruz Victorselvaraj

Parish Accountant:

Bookkeeper and Gift Aid Coordinator


Official Email:

Victorselvaraj Martindecruz

Streatham Hill Bookkeeper:



Nicola Jones

Treasurer 1:


Official Email:

Nicola Jones

Streatham Hill Finance Treasurer:


Gaius Ezembaukwu

Treasurer 2:


Official Email:

Gaius Ezembaukwu

Streatham Hill Finance Treasurer 2:


Church Started




Towards 120 yrs


Towards 130 yrs

Please Note

The Parish Newsletter containing recent information and Whole Parish Volunteering Forms can be collected from the Church Porch daily between 7.30 am – 7.30 pm. Kindly post all completed forms through the letter box in the priest’s house.