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Ways you can make your Sunday weekly offertory

To support the good work of our parish church

  • You can give cash
  • You can make a weekly transfer
  • You can set up a weekly Standing Order
  • You can make a weekly cashless card donation
  • You can use QR code
  • You can make a Gift Aid donation

Account Detail


 SORT CODE: 60-20-39



Gift Aid and Standing Order

You can make a Gift Aid donation: If you pay tax, at no cost to you, you can make use of the government Gift Aid scheme which allows the Church to receive an extra 25p for each £1 donated directly from the UK government. Kindly complete the Gift Aid Form you will find in the Porch and post it through the letterbox in the Priest’s house.


You can set up a weekly Standing Order – Kindly take a form from the Porch (Narthex) and post it through the letterbox in the Priest’s house.

Gift-Aid Form

Catholic Churches in England have to be financially self-sufficient as they receive no income from the state or from the diocese.’


Our income comes from: the generosity of the people from the Offertories/Gift Aids; Standing orders; Bank Transfers; Donations; Legacies; Wills; Hall rental …


Our Expenditures are Maintenance; Insurance, Taxes, Utility Bills; Church Supplies; Repairs; Administrative costs; Parish expenses; Equipment; Levies, Payments; Major works; Sundry…
